Rendering in Adobe After Effects

Rendering in Adobe After Effects

Rendering in Adobe After Effects Rendering in Adobe After Effects is the final process after working with composition, it’s the process of making your composition or sequence to the final output using codecs and formats based on the requirement. Now after completing with your project if you want your composition to be uploaded to YouTube

Adobe After Effects Layer Types

Adobe After Effects Layer Types

Read our previous post on layer settings to better understand the Adobe After Effects Layer Types. Adobe After Effects Layer Types There are few Adobe After Effects Layer Types such as adjustment layer, solid layer, type layer, light layer, camera layer, a null object layer, shape layer….lets have a small look on all these layer

Layer settings in Adobe After Effects

Layer settings in Adobe After Effects

Read our previous post on Adobe After Effects Timeline and Layers to understand the Layer Settings in Adobe After Effects. Layer Settings in Adobe After Effects After placing your files in the timeline, you’ll feel to scale your image or file to fit the composition, or you might feel to give some animation in position or

Adobe after effects timeline

Adobe After Effects Timeline and Layers

Read my previous post on working with after effects to understand this post on Adobe After Effects Timeline and layers Adobe After Effects Timeline and Layers Layers are something which you already know if you have used any adobe popular applications like photoshop or premiere pro. Layers are the elements that make up a composition. Layers in

working with after effects

Working with After Effects

If you have not read my previous post on Adobe After Effects and its Interface, please read To start working with After Effects. To start working with After Effects, you have to choose new composition from the welcome screen or by clicking the new composition icon from the project panel. As soon as you click